Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So yeah... it's been a while since I've published anything on here.  But here is the basic low down.  I haven't had time to post in the past few months because life has been absolutely insane.  The biggest changes?  I have decided to attend the University of Missouri (Mizzou) in the fall as a duel degree student in Journalism and Theatre (basically, I will earn a BJ (it's a degree, you five year olds) and a BA).  I already have my roommate and my address and now a pair of warm boots.  I still have to buy my first ever, real, warm, snow/freezing temperature worthy coat.  So, that should be thrilling.  I keep making jokes about how I didn't pick Mizzou for the weather.  Even the people who live there say the weather sucks, and I have enough trouble with California weather.  Also, I'm writing this post from new new Mac... which is really pretty, but I have been feeling very blond navigating through it's different features when I don't speak "Mac" yet.  That will also explain why this post has no pictures....
Any who, I leave in early August for school, so I'm just enjoying my summer right now and the many trips I have been taking.  The most noteworthy one was definitely the "Senior Trip" I took with five of my best friends!  We drove down I-5 to Disneyland and spent a day there before driving down to Del Mar and spending five days together at the beach.  My friends are awesome!  We made tons of good food, never had a disagreement and created tons of inside jokes.  I am really going to miss them next year.  We've realized how weird it is going to be without each other and I'm trying to take comfort in the accessibility of modern technology.  For now that's it.  I will be posting more soon.  Hopefully something a bit more interesting... maybe with some cool pictures.  Enjoy life!  (if you actually read my blog.... and well, same to you if you don't)!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

College Update!

Current college progress:
Applied: 8
In progress:  0 I AM DONE!!!!
Declined: 0
Accepted: 4- Thank you Mizzou, University of the Pacific, University of Oregon, and George Mason University!
Essay Drafts Written: No idea.... and I'm still writing for scholarships

Having the pressure of applications removed is a wonderful feeling.  Although, there is still plenty to do ALL the time it feels like I can breath again.  Second semester is going to be insane, but I have decided to just ride the wave and make an effort to enjoy the end of my high school experience. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Finals Finals Finals Finals

Just a few days until we're second semester seniors!  I'm still not sure if that will help anything, life will still be crazy probably, but it sounds relieving.  So I'm just gonna keep thinking that.  :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

College Update!

Current college progress:
Applied: 6
In progress:  2 (almost done!!!! Chapman and Puget Sound you are getting my apps this week!!)
Declined: 0
Accepted: 3- Thank you Mizzou, University of the Pacific, and University of Oregon
Essay Drafts Written: Lost track

So close to this process being over!!! Then I just have to wait.... keeping my figures crossed tight!