Sunday, October 16, 2011

Simply Put- Senior year is INSANE

Well, once again I have failed to keep my promise by falling very far behind on this blog.  However, unlike the other time I said I would write but didn't, I actually have a good excuse for ignoring my blog. The fact of the matter is, I have NO time.  Senior year is incredibly stressful.  I have fewer classes than last year and yet my workload is still heavy, which is probably due to the fact that doing college apps is like taking on two extra AP classes.  My lack of time is also due to the fact that I am currently in my school's production my Macbeth, getting ready for homecoming with my leadership class and working on all of my regular homework... So there you have it, all of my excuses for ignoring my blog.  (And there are probably many more that I am forgetting) Stay tuned for more updates and maybe eventually an interesting post.  There is stuff I want to write about and post all  the time, but I just can't seem to get to it.

Even though senior year has been crazy so far, it's also been very very very fun!

A very random but very fun pic with Paris and Gavin :)

All of us at Sophia's birthday!